Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!And here we are at the end of 2013 and rolling full steam into the holidays! The Iron Tavern wants to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and hope you have an enjoying and relaxing time!

I have had a great year with The Iron Tavern and the friends I make through this blog and the many social media networks. Over the course of the year I have had many great discussions with people and lots of great gaming – both online and with my local group.

I will be taking a short holiday break from posting to the blog and will return after the first of the year. I will be using this time to make sure I have things in place for the unveiling of Iron Tavern Press, get ahead on a little freelancing, and just generally recharge the batteries a bit!

Happy Holidays!

Keeping Busy

The Haunting of Larvik CoverI have been remiss in my blogging over the past several weeks. My guest bloggers have been awesome at carrying the torch for me so far and that has been much appreciated. They have been responsible for making sure The Iron Tavern has at least something new for you each week.

So if I haven’t been posting here as regularly, what have I been up to?


First I have had several products released by various publishers that contain some maps I have created. I am proud to have been involved in each of these products.

For the Dungeon Crawl Classics crowd Thick Skull Adventures released the PDF of The Haunting of Larvik Island a month or two ago. This is a fun 1st level module to run your DCC players through. I drew many of the maps in the product think they came out looking great! Earlier this week The Haunting of Larvik Island was released in print, available at some online stores and hopefully at local game stores in your area soon. So if you wanted a copy in print that is an option as well.

Waysides: Hair of the DogOn another front, I have had a couple of tavern maps released under the Christina Stiles Presents line from Super Genius Games. Both Waysides: Didjer’s Crab House and Waysides: Hair of the Dog contain tavern maps I did for the product. These are fun products to drop into your campaign when you need a pre-built tavern with some interesting aspects!

I have another map or two in the works for the Christina Stiles Presents line as well.


I have a couple of writing projects on the edge of the plate as well. These are still pseudo-secret and because they are personal projects tend to get bumped when other paying freelance opportunities present themselves. But each week I make a little more progress on each and hopefully a little closer to an announcement on those fronts.


I also have another much larger project coming up that I also cannot reveal the full details on, as I am not 100% sure I am at liberty to reveal my involvement just yet. But a Kickstarter that funded about two months ago will be using me to handle the conversion to a Pathfinder version of the product. This will be a rather large project, but really looking forward to this one as well. Definitely proud to be a part of the attention to detail this product has received so far. Again – hopefully I can be less vague about the nature of this product in the near future.

Still Here!

Those are some of the things that have been keeping me busy over the past month or so. Lots of exciting things going on. And again – special thanks to my guest bloggers for keeping the doors open and the light on here at The Iron Tavern. I will put additional effort forth to get more posts by me here at The Tavern!

Origins 2013 Prep

Origins LogoOrigins Game Fair is this coming up weekend in Columbus, Ohio. The dates are from June 12-16 and it takes place in downtown at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. This is a local con for me. Sometimes I only make it out for a day or two and other years I make it out for the whole convention.

This year is a year I will be spending a lot of time there. I have a multitude of folks from some of the online gaming campaigns I enjoyed this year on G+ coming into town for the con. There are literally people arriving from the north, south, east, and west to all meetup face-to-face for some gaming fun this year!

I was going to prep some Swords & Wizardry and run some of that system, but I had some last minute real life stuff pop up and I ended up defaulting back to Dungeon Crawl Classics for the games I am prepping. I will be running The Tower Out of Time at least once. I am also planning to run The Waystation from Purple Duck Games. I will likely read through Portal Under the Stars for a quick funnel to run for those that have not played it or read it too closely from DCC RPG rulebook.

I have access to The Tower Out of Time as part of the DCC RPG World Tour. Goodman Games has a system setup where judges that run a certain number of games can earn themselves some pretty cool swag. Judges for these events also get some swag to hand out at their tables as well. The box of player swag arrived late last week, so I am all set for Origins!

I still have a few more things to prep before the show is upon us and I am running out of time! The blog will likely be a little quiet towards the latter part of the week.

If you are interested in crossing paths while at Origins, be sure to follow my Twitter handle. I find Twitter a great tool for impromptu meetups at cons. I will also announce any last minute games I run (likely of the DCC RPG variety as noted above).

G+ Event Banners Redux

At the end of March I posted six banners for G+ Events (they work well for Facebook cover pages and Twitter banners too). Recently G+ updated and increased the size one could use for G+ event banners making the ones I posted at the end of March unusable.

Bigger banners for events are cool! So here is a new set of banners for use in your G+ Events that work with the new larger size.

To use these banners for your own events right click and save the image to your own computer. When creating your G+ Event you can choose Change Theme and select the Upload option. Drag the uploaded image to the box or browse to the location you downloaded the map banners to.


G+ Event Banner 1

G+ Event Banner 2

G+ Event Banner 3

G+ Event Banner 4

G+ Event Banner 5

G+ Event Banner 6

G+ Event Banner 7

G+ Event Banner 8



By Way of Introduction

The name is Alan Kellogg, you may call me Mythusmage. I’ve been  around since 1954, with my first RPG being D&D in 1975. Currently a blogger and now revising and expanding the Mythus RPG for eventual self-publication sometime around 2015. I’m opinionated, and ready to post in this blog on various matters, most of which will have something to do with roleplaying games.

Among the subjects to be covered; roleplaying, games, game balance, storytelling, presentation, player-GM interaction, goals, success, and failure. My take on these subjects do differ from that of other people, so be expected to disagree. I am looking forward to substantial discussions, but please don’t flat out contradict me without showing some sign you know what you’re talking about. Above all, no profanity. Explain yourself, and understand that I’m trying to explain myself the best I can. Above all, just because I disagree with you is no sign I must be wrong.

Coming up in the future here are some post topics I have in mind.

  1. How it’s not a game.

  2. Why story has nothing to do with RPGs

  3. Encouraging participation without insisting on balance

  4. Goals vs. victory conditions

  5. Taming the wild ego freak

  6. Engaging the players

  7. What to do when the kobolds kick your butt

More coming, and I look forward to suggestions from you. See you in a week’s time.


Alan Kellogg. I am a blogger and a gamer, and I opine on various subjects and topics. I believe that you should do your best at what ever you do, and I refuse to cheat on your behalf simply because you refuse to try. Personal initiative is what I believe in, and I’ll do what I can to make your adventures interesting. Demand special treatment for any reason and you’re apt to get stomped on by your enemies and opposition. Give it an honest try, and while you may not succeed, others are apt to extend you some respect.

I live in San Diego CA, have been gaming since 1964 (board games) and 1975 (RPGs). Have credits in Dangerous Journeys: Mythus and have helped out with a few other projects (Charlemagne’s Paladins for TSR for instance). Currently working on a revision of Mythus for possible publication.

Welcome New Bloggers!

Quill BooksLast week The Iron Tavern put out the call to add a few bloggers to the pages here. I felt there was more going on in the fantasy RPG community than one single blogger could keep up with. I have experimented with guest blogger posts in the past with great success. The Iron Tavern has been able to provide reviews and commentary on other fantasy gaming systems I might not have found time to give the attention to.

By adding bloggers it also presents the opportunity for new perspectives and ideas to be offered on a regular basis at The Iron Tavern.

I had several people interested in blogging for The Iron Tavern as a result of the call I put out last week. I have chosen four of those people to being regular posts. This week will be an exciting week as we see the first of those posts start to appear.

Today I wanted to introduce the new folks. I asked each of them to write a brief bio about themselves for today.

Mark Knights

I am a 39 year old guy living in a small rural town called Elliott in Tasmania, Australia.  I have been role playing since I was 11 years old playing the original versions of Dungeons and Dragons, MERP, Elric, Dragon Warriors and the like amongst other genre games.  I played D&D 2nd Edition through the 90’s but I ran Earthdawn for my fantasy setting and loved it as a GM.  When 3rd Edition came out for D&D I tried it but found it too heavy on rules.  I ignored the 3.5 edition of DnD in favour of Earthdawn (big mistake) as I thought it was just a money spinner.  When 4th Edition DnD came on my players and I gave it a red hot go but hated what it had dumbed the game down to be.  On a trip to Melbourne to buy some 4E stuff from a hobby store an old mate of mine pointed me at Pathfinder and in a Fantasy setting I have never looked back.

Currently I run a couple of Pathfinder campaigns (one on Google+ and the other in person) and a Classic Traveller campaign (on Google+).  I am finishing the alpha version of my own game which is highly confidential at the moment.  I run my own blog at www.thepathfinderchronicles.com which initially was going to be a Pathfinder only blog but has broadened since its start in October last year.  In real life I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but I am currently working as a teacher of all things Computer!

Brian Fitzpatrick

Brian “Fitz” Fitzpatrick is a Software Engineer who manages (or is that mangles) Game Knight Reviews and tinkers with writing game materials via his Moebius Adventures imprint. When he’s not writing about gaming, he’s actually gaming or at least thinking about gaming in some capacity. During the non-writing, non-gaming time he’s likely trying to keep up with his wife and two daughters or wrangling code for a living!

Alan Kellog

The name is Mythusmage. More formally, Alan Kellogg. I am a blogger and a gamer, and I opine on various subjects and topics. I believe that you should do your best at whatever you do, and I refuse to cheat on your behalf simply because you refuse to try. Personal initiative is what I believe in, and I’ll do what I can to make your adventures interesting. Demand special treatment for any reason and you’re apt to get stomped on by your enemies and opposition. Give it an honest try, and while you may not succeed, others are apt to extend you some respect.

I live in San Diego CA, have been gaming since 1964 (board games) and 1975 (RPGs). Have credits in Dangerous Journeys: Mythus and have helped out with a few other projects (Charlemagne’s Paladins for TSR for instance). Currently working on a revision of Mythus for possible publication.

What will my blog posts here be about? Better gaming, better play, making your adventures more involving and involve more. You’ll learn more as the posts progress. So welcome, and I hope you find what I write interesting, informative, and useful.


Well known for his reviews from the glory days of EN World, Crothian brings his wealth of reviewing experience to The Iron Tavern. In addition to reviews Crothian has years decades of gaming experience that often causes him to experiment wildly with game rules to push the limits. From feats at every level in D&D 3.5 to starting a Pathfinder adventure path with existing 9th level characters, Crothian explores the boundaries of various gaming systems.

The Iron Tavern welcomes the new bloggers!

Blogger Wanted

Writing with a QuillThe Iron Tavern is looking for a blogger interested in contributing a regular weekly post to the site. My guest blogger experiments in the past have been a positive experience and now I would like to expand that role a bit.

What can I blog about?

Regular readers of The Iron Tavern know the site is primarily dedicated to the fantasy genre of roleplaying games. Articles tend to track with my current gaming system interest. This is one of my primary motivators for adding a blogger to The Iron Tavern’s author pool, to keep the variety of posts up at the site.

Blog posts can be commentary, recent news in various fantasy RPG systems, commentary fantasy RPGs, or anything else that is related to fantasy RPG systems. Specific areas I would like to see more coverage on regularly is the Pathfinder system, how the D&D Next playtest is going, or your OSR system of choice. If one of those topics sounds like something you would like to write about then send me an email and lets talk.

Why would I want to blog for The Iron Tavern?

This is not a paid blogger position. This is a position for someone that loves to talk about fantasy RPGs and would like to tap into an already established (and growing) audience.

Maybe you are a blogger with your own site who wants a regular guest article at another site to increase your own audience. The Iron Tavern can be the vehicle to help facilitate that.

Or maybe you have wanted to start your own blog but not wanted to handle the maintenance and administration of the site. Or thought you couldn’t keep an audience because you weren’t ready to commit to the number of postings needed to do that per week. The Iron Tavern is an already established blog that can act as your platform.

I am looking for someone that can provide one blog post per week, but maybe you are a more prolific writer than that. The blogger chosen will certainly be allowed to post more than one article a week if you have quality content to provide!

Now what?

Interested in blogging for The Iron Tavern? Contact me at the email address I list in the About page of this blog. Please provide me a brief rundown of writing experience you may have. A short writing sample or links to other blog posts you may have made in the past are fine. Don’t forget to mention what types of topics you think you will cover as you get rolling. If things look to be a good match I will review the flow of providing posts to the blog and we will go from there!

G+ Event Banners

I started converting some of the maps I have drawn into G+ Event Banners for my own games. I think they came out looking pretty good and more banners for use in scheduling your RPG related events is always a good thing!

To use these banners for your own events right click and save the image to your own computer. When creating your G+ Event you can choose Change Theme and select the Upload option. Drag the uploaded image to the box or browse to the location you downloaded the map banners to.


G+ Event Banner 1

G+ Event Banner 2

G+ Event Banner 3

G+ Event Banner 4

G+ Event Banner 5

G+ Event Banner 6

State of the Tavern – 2012

2012_LogoIt is time for the annual look back at the year 2012 at The Iron Tavern as the New Year fast approaches. The end of 2012 finds The Iron Tavern a little over a year in from opening its doors in August 2011. We have covered a variety of topics this year from product reviews, commentary on current gaming issues and releases, interviews, and more. The Iron Tavern also welcomed a handful of guest bloggers to help broaden the spectrum of gaming products covered.

The Iron Tavern changed hosting providers towards the end of this year. This change was to position The Iron Tavern a little better for future growth and a couple of other plans rumbling in the back room. Overall I have been quite pleased with the decision to change hosting providers and it was worth effort to do so.

Before we look at the year ahead for The Iron Tavern let’s look at some of the top 5 and top 10 lists of posts, referring sites, and search terms folks came to The Iron Tavern for.

Popular Posts

These are the five most popular posts during 2012 at The Iron Tavern. It looks like my post on The One Ring that was actually made in 2011 is still quite popular! The Dungeonslayers review was done by a guest blogger Kelly Davis and rounded out the top five list!

Referring Sites

I removed search engine results from the list which accounted for a landslide of referrals in the list this year. Google+ has a strong lead in referring sites as well. I find the G+ gaming community very personable and much more engaged than the other social media networks. Not only does The Iron Tavern get a large number of referrals from G+, there is also a reasonable amount of discussion on blog posts over on G+.

The Paizo and Goodman Games are result of a lot of Pathfinder product commentary and reviews done here. I also post a fair amount of Dungeon Crawl Classics fan generated content here as well.

The Facebook referrals are often from other company’s or gaming entities who link to The Iron Tavern to highlight a post I did concerning their product. Twitter, unsurprisingly, is towards the bottom of my top five list. Though I maintain an active presence on Twitter I find the click-through rate from there quite low. It feels much more like shouting into the wind compared to the other social media networks.

  • Google+
  • Paizo
  • Goodman Games
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Top Search Terms

The top search terms for the year again favor The One Ring RPG from Cubicle 7. Dungeon Crawl Classics pushes its way to the top of the list as well. I have a large amount of DCC RPG content at The Iron Tavern. Pathfinder products fill out the rest of the list with my Midgard Campaign setting review rounding out the list, as well as my look at the Roll20 VTT.

  • the one ring rpg
  • dungeon crawl classics rpg
  • the one ring map
  • pathfinder beginner box
  • rise runelord pdf review
  • pathfinder iconics
  • dcc rpg
  • midgard campaign setting
  • rise of the runelords
  • roll20

The Look Ahead to 2013

In many ways I feel like The Iron Tavern is still finding its niche, much as I was last year. Finding the balance between getting two to three blog posts up on the site and working on some side-projects, writing queries, and general content creation for the gaming industry continues to be a delicate balance.

Moving forward I hope to continue the trend of getting three posts up per week. Regular followers have noticed I tend to have new posts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the week with occasional surprise posts on other days as time permits. I hope to continue that trend in the upcoming year.

The Iron Tavern will continue to focus on the fantasy genre of RPGs. I expect Pathfinder and Dungeon Crawl Classics to continue to be major topics. It looks like Dungeonslayers will get a few more posts and quite likely Barebones Fantasy as well. My interests seem to be drifting back to an OSR feel with less complex systems catching my eye. I am sure there will be the occasional D&D post as we watch D&D Next evolve as well (more if I can find a guest blogger interested in regular posts on D&D). Rolemaster will continue to make an experience as guest blogger UbiquitousRat continues his look at the playtest.

As mentioned earlier, The Iron Tavern did experiment with guest bloggers this year. The results were successful and I liked the different take and broader look of systems that brought to the blog. With that in mind, I would like to pickup another regular guest blogger or two to write regular articles. Interested in guest blogging? Here are the topics I am especially interested in:

Dungeons and Dragons: I tried to keep up with the playtest, but simply have not had time. I would welcome a blogger who can post an article every other week or so with information on how the playtest is going and other D&D events that are noteworthy.

Pathfinder: More frequent posts on Pathfinder products and Pathfinder games would be great. If you are an aspiring blogger looking for an established platform to talk about Pathfinder, contact me.

OSR systems: There are so many great rule-light, old school systems I would be happy to host guest posts on any number of these. Either a look at products, actual play, or commentary on the genre would be considered for The Iron Tavern.

Overall, I consider 2012 a successful year for The Iron Tavern and look forward to bringing even more content to readers this year! Here is to a great 2013!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!The Iron Tavern wants to wish everyone a Happy Holidays! It has been another great year for the Iron Tavern. I have enjoyed all the discussion on my blog posts throughout the year, whether the discussion is here, on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter. I hope your holidays are filled with gaming and lots of time spent with family!

I will be taking a break from posting for the next week. I have a couple of projects I want to catch up on and sit back and do some reading of my own to recharge the batteries as we head into the New Year! I will be back to posting at the first of the year with a look back at 2012, possibly a full patron write-up for Dungeon Crawl Classics, and a couple of reviews to start out with.

Happy Holidays!