I started reading some of the Castle Keepers Guide for Castles and Crusades this weekend. Right up front there is a one page section on not being bound by the rules. If the rules are impeding your fun, amend it, change it, but do not let a rule get in the way of your fun.
This got me thinking a bit and is the reason behind today’s poll. How many folks out there house rule their game? A little? A lot? Absolutely not? Does the type of system have an influence on whether you house rule your game or not?
Feel free to use the comment section to clarify your use of house rules. I am sure the poll won’t completely capture people’s use of house rules.
Here is the poll:
[polldaddy poll=6608181]
We’ll let the poll sit out there for a few days and then I will comment on the poll results and my thoughts on house rules.