Episode 30: The Conclusion

dcc_rpg_cover_smallThe Conclusion’ is the 30th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

With a cursory attack on the Temple through the sewers the real assault begins to form from the ocean. The skies darken over the ocean as large thunderheads build, lightning arcing across the western sky as the rains begin to fall upon the Great City. An explosion rocks the Temple of the Moon, sending the companions to the fallen Cthulhu temple where they learn it has been rebuilding in the rift caused by Tsanth’s last visit. The waves in the seas grow taller as an avatar of Cthulhu steps forth from the sea wreaking havoc upon the city. Can the party stop the new threat and save the city?

Note: The end of this one seems a bit abrupt, there wasn’t a great spot to transition to the closing music, so it is a bit awkward. Questions about the actual play campaign? Post in the comments and I will work up a final closing post if there is interest.

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-30.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.

Episode 29: The Glass Darkly

dcc_rpg_cover_smallThe Glass Darkly’ is the 29th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

With Leotah apparently vanquished the group investigates the throne room more closely. Clutched in the grasp of the mechanical surgical machine the party finds a blood red gem in the form of a human heart, is this the life force of Leotah? They rummage through another room before discovering the path to the Glass Darkly rumored to power the tower itself. The very elements of time are disturbed as the group attempts to destroy the magical artifact.

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-29.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.

Episode 28: Saving Abishag

dcc_rpg_cover_smallSaving Abishag’ is the 28th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

The group once again finds themselves in a very familiar foyer. With attempts to leave via unconventional means foiled, the party has no choice but to move deeper into the tower along the path Leotah has set before them. Again on familiar territory the group must solve a riddle to make further progress beyond Leotah’s challenges and to have any chance of saving Dandelion’s child from her evil plans!

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-28.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.

Episode 27: Return to the Tower

dcc_rpg_cover_smallReturn to the Tower’ is the 27th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

A scuffle with Emirikol in the Temple of the Moon leads to an interesting outcome as Meffridus uses trinkets of days past. The planning then goes into motion on launching another assault on Leotah’s tower in efforts to save Dandelion’s baby from unknown dangers. Setting their plan into motion the adventuring party finds themselves back in a very familiar place…

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-27.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.

Episode 26: Chaos in the Great City

Chaos in the Great City’ is the 26th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

With the excitement fading in the Overlord’s safe room, the adventuring party takes a few moments to recover, imbibing healing herbs and calling upon Mani for healing magics. Moving on up the party reaches the roof of the Stronghold as an undead pterodactyl arrives carrying Leotah! A battle ensues as the group fights the wizardress, though all is not as it seems. After the battle the party examines the stronghold more closely and takes in the cityscape as the Great City falls leaderless.

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-26.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.


Episode 25: The Overlord’s Safe Room

dcc_rpg_cover_smallThe Overlord’s Safe Room’ is the 25th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

With the adventuring party in the Overlord’s safe room, they quickly learn the battlefield is rigged against them. A difficult fight erupts as the Overlord’s minions work to hold off the group, aided by many tricks of the room itself! Everything from suppressed casting ability, to traps within the room itself, to powerful guardians await the party in the Overlord’s safe room.

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-25.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.

Shudder Mountain Theme Song

dcc_rpg_cover_smallThe new Dungeon Crawl Classics campaign kicked off earlier this week with my online group. We are starting out in the Shudder Mountains from the recently released Chained Coffin boxed set from Goodman Games. The set has plenty of great material to get the campaign rolling and we opened up with the 0-level funnel, Sour Spring Hollow.

Most of the guys from the actual play podcast are back together again for some DCC fun. Everyone was pretty excited and had characters generated well over a week ahead of game start time.

One of the players, Dustin Clark, has even gone as far to write and record a Shudder Mountain Campaign Theme Song! He unveiled the lyrics early in the week to our little community group. But then a few hours before game time we were treated to an actual recording!

And here it is!

Artist: Dustin Clark
Song:  Cross Your Path (Rough Cut)
*all rights are Dustin Clark’s

Audio Player

If you liked it, Dustin has some other songs out their previously released on Spotify:

Spotify – Dustin Clark


Episode 24: Stronghold Pursuit

dcc_rpg_cover_smallStronghold Pursuit’ is the 24th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

With the Overlord escaping the dining hall beyond Meffridus’ Snarling Vines, the group begins their chase through the stronghold to catch the Overlord before he can escape. Quickly working their way level by level, encountering many guards who wish to slow their hunt, the group eventually reaches the top floor of the stronghold. Here it seems the Overlord has a little surprise in for the heroes!

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-24.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.

Shudder Mountain Campaign

chained_coffin_coverMany followers of the blog know that the Sunken City campaign from the actual play podcast wrapped up a couple of months ago. Our online group is flush with excellent GMs and the guys gave me a break from early September until now. We had some Swords & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, and Dungeonslayers at the table during the break. Then I warmed up with a Tomb of Horrors holiday campaign that went 4 sessions.

Now I feel rested and energized and ready to get back behind the screen. Polling the group showed they were ready for more DCC! Initially I was going to start the whole thing off with a 0-level funnel idea I had (and got partially through writing), but then I realized The Chained Coffin box was going to be showing up at my house any day! I pitched a campaign based on that boxed set and the idea was well received!

Shudder Mountain

While the boxed set is called The Chained Coffin, the mini-campaign setting is actually focused on a region called the Shudder Mountains. The vast majority of writing for everything in this set is Michael Curtis. The man was a machine turning out words for this setting! Steve Bean wrote a 1st level adventure included with the set. An owner of the boxed set gets a regional map, a 0-level funnel, 1st level adventure, 3rd level adventure, 5th level adventure, an almanac, and a companion guide.

The easiest way to describe the Shudder Mountains is to think of the forgotten hollows of Appalachia West Virginia. Hollows, creeks, forested, rugged land. Parts well isolated from “modern” times. Throw in some superstition and DCCify it a bit and you have a great place to start a campaign in!

Cool Stuff – Spoiler free

I have of course started prepping for the campaign (we start playing next week!). This is how more campaign settings should be written (mini or not). There is just enough information to save me a lot of work in coming up with, while leaving a tremendous amount of opportunities for me to expand on.

The history of the Shudder Mountain region stretches back a great many centuries. With two ancient races – one somewhat traditional for some fantasy worlds and the other definitely Appendix N style. This offers up a plethora of possibilities for the Judge to expand on either ancient civilization in their game.

I have several ideas already floating around in my head based on this history. Some to older modules (even some Forgotten Realms stuff I think) and some to some products from Goodman Games. All of this off what was essentially a pretty short read.

All of this feed into why the people of Shudder Mountains are they way they are. Many of these things make the region quite unique and interesting. There are lots of new things to toy with as a Judge to keep the players on their toes.

Campaign Start

I can tell my players are excited as I think all of them have already posted their 0-level characters to our G+ Community group. Usually a good sign! In a lot of ways I wish I had started the campaign tonight (as I write this), but it was my first week back to work after a long holiday break and I thought I’d be pretty tired already!

I will be launching the campaign with the 0-level from the boxed set. Looks to be much shorter than the 0-level I started them with, but potentially way more lethal! From there I will probably fall back to my listening to the players to see what “lead” they want to investigate. We shall see!

Actual Play Podcast?

At this point I am leaning towards releasing actual play episodes of this campaign. I have setup the computer I use for our G+ Hangout/Roll20 sessions for recording. Feedback has been positive on the release of episodes from the last campaign. And some have commented that hearing a campaign from the start would be even better.


Episode 23: Sneaking into the Stronghold

dcc_rpg_cover_small‘Sneaking into the Stronghold’ is the 23rd episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual play podcast. Additional information can be found at http://irontavern.com/podcast.

Session Synopsis

The party completes their planning for their assault on the Overlord’s stronghold. Following a guide provided by the local Thieve’s Guild the group maneuvers their way through the sewers under the Great City. Suffering an attack by sewer vermin, the adventuring party tries to navigate the obstacles into the stronghold and seek out the Overlord!

Audio Player

Download Link: http://irontavern.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Episode-23.mp3


Intro and outro music is ‘Wrecking Ball’ from 137 from http://music.mevio.com.